How to get here

Auronzo and Misurina are easy to get to with any means of transport.

32041 Auronzo di Cadore BL
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1) From motorway A27 Venice-Belluno take the Pian di Vedoia exit and follow state road 51. Pass through Longarone and over Ponte Cadore and when you get to Tai di Cadore follow the signs for Auronzo-Comelico (SS 51bis). When you get to Lozzo di Cadore follow the signs for Auronzo (SS 52), pass through Cima Gogna (SR 48) and pass the turn off to Comelico as the Val d’Ansiei opens up to the majestic Tre Cime di Lavaredo.

2) From motorway A22 Modena/Brenner Pass  take the Bressanone-Brixen exit and follow former Pusteria state road 49 in the Dobbiaco-Toblach direction. After Dobbiaco town turn right onto SS Alemagna 51. When you get to Carbonin-Schluderbach (turn off for Cortina d’Ampezzo), turn left signed Misurina and follow downhill to Auronzo.

3) From motorway A23 Palmanova/Tarvisio ptake the Tolmezzo exit and follow the SS 52 Carnica road. When you get to Villa Santina:

  • follow regional road 355 in the direction of Sappada and then follow for Santo Stefano. In the centre of town turn left towards Auronzo (SS 52 and, after the tunnel, SS 48)
  • turn left following SS52 towards Forni di Sopra. Over the Mauria Pass and past Lorenzago and Pelos, turn right at the Ponte Nuovo junction (SS52 and after Cima Gogna SS48 signed Auronzo)

4) From Cortina:

  • from the centre follow SS 48 Dolomiti road (signed Auronzo Misurina). A few kilometres after Tre Croci Pass turn left for Misurina or right for Auronzo.
  • From the centre follow SS 51 Alemagna road in the Dobbiaco direction. After Cimabanche Pass, in the Carbonin-Schluderbach area turn right on SS 48bis and soon get to Misurina and then Auronzo.
  • From the centre follow SS 51 Alemagna road in the direction of Venice. After you have passed through San Vito and the other towns of the Boite valley, in Tai di Cadore turn into SS 51 bis following signs for Auronzo-Comelico. When you get to Lozzo di Cadore follow the signs for Auronzo (SS 52), pass through Cima Gogna (SR 48) and pass the turn off to Comelico.

 To plan your car journey to Auronzo-Misurina:


The closest railway station is in Calalzo-Pieve di Cadore-Cortina, 15 km from Auronzo. Trains arrive mainly from:

    •    Venice
    •    Padua
    •    Udine (change in Conegliano)
To get to the Cadore by train:
From Calalzo train station there are connecting Dolomitibus buses which link Auronzo with the whole province of Belluno.

Auronzo and Misurina are linked together by public transport services during the summer season and the Christmas period. In summer Dolomitibus provides a number of daily services to the Tre Cime di Lavaredo from the Cadore passing through Auronzo and Misurina

To get to Auronzo by bus:

CORTINA EXPRESS  ( ) route Tai di Cadore – Treviso – Venice
The long-distance bus services connect every day of the whole year Cortina d’Ampezzo and Cadore with Treviso, Venice’s airport and the train station in Mestre. During the high summer and winter seasons the bus services are extended to south to Rovigo, Ferrara and Bologna, and to north to Upper Pusteria Valley, Alta Badia. Cortina d’Ampezzo – Treviso – Venezia
– Cortina – Alta Badia (connecting bus to Venice)
– Cortina – Upper Pusteria Valley (connecting bus to Venice)
– Cortina d’Ampezzo – Verona – Bergamo – Milan (in partnershipnico) – Innsbruck – Munich (in partnership with FLiXBUS)



The closest airports are:
    •    Treviso (126km) :
    •    Venice (137km):
    •    Verona (254km):
    •    Innsbruck, Austria (180km):

Venice airport is connected to nearby Mestre-Venezia station by regular public bus services. For info: